House League Divisions

House Baseball

Spring/Summer League

WPPA has six divisions for spring/summer baseball (click here for Age Requirements):

  • Rookie (Kindergarten & younger)
  • Junior (1st and 2nd grades)
  • Minor (3rd and 4th grades)
  • Major (5th and 6th grades)
  • Senior (7th and 8th grades)
  • Liberty (High School and up)

Click here for baseball equipment lists by division.  For equipment questions, please email

Players register at-large for their appropriate division and are assigned to teams by draft, usually by mid-March (Rookie rosters are assigned by "play-with" requests).   The spring/summer season generally begins the last weekend of April and runs through early July.  The regular season consists of approximately 12 games held on weekends (which sometimes consist of Friday night and Monday night games).  There is one officially scheduled practice per week during the regular season.  For all levels of baseball, except the Rookie division, there is a playoff that starts after the conclusion of the regular season.  The format of the playoff does change from year to year based on the number of teams in the age division.

Fall Ball League

WPPA has four divisions for fall baseball (click here for Age Requirements):

  • 7U (1st and 2nd grades), teams of 12-15 players
  • 9U (3rd and 4th grades), teams of 12-15 players
  • 11U (5th and 6th grades), teams of 12-15 players
  • 13U (7th and 8th grades), teams of 12-15 players

In addition, depending on registration numbers, each division may have up to three subdivisions:

  • C (Blue): players who register at-large and are assigned to teams by the Fall Baseball Commissioner.
  • B (Gold): teams generally formed by agreement between coaches and parents, mostly house-level players but some travel players (particularly in their first year at this age level).
  • A (Red): teams generally formed by agreement between coaches and parents, often spring/summer travel teams that stay together for fall ball.  This is the most competitive subdivision at each age level.

Registration for Fall Ball typically occurs mid-Summer.  The Fall season generally begins prior to Labor Day Weekend and runs through October.

WPPA Baseball Color Logo (Master)

House Softball

Spring/Summer League

WPPA has four house divisions for spring/summer softball (click here for Age Requirements):

  • 8U (1st and 2nd grades)
  • 10U (3rd and 4th grades)
  • 12U (5th and 6th grades)
  • 14U (7th through 9th grades)

Click here for softball equipment lists by division. For equipment questions, please email

Players register at-large (registration typically occurs in early January every year) for their appropriate division and are assigned to teams by draft, usually by mid-March.   The spring/summer season generally begins the last weekend of April and runs through early July. The regular season consists of approximately 12 games held on weekends (which sometimes consist of Friday night and Monday night games).  There is one officially scheduled practice per week during the regular season.  For all levels of softball there is a playoff that starts after the conclusion of the regular season.  The format of the playoff does change from year to year based on the number of teams in the age division.

Fall Ball League

WPPA has four divisions for fall softball (click here for Age Requirements):

  • 8U (1st and 2nd grades), teams of 12-15 players
  • 10U (3rd and 4th grades), teams of 12-15 players
  • 12U (5th and 6th grades), teams of 12-15 players
  • 14U (7th and 8th grades), teams of 12-15 players

Registration for Fall Ball typically occurs in July each year.  The fall season generally begins prior to Labor Day Weekend and runs through October.

WPPA Softball Color Logo (Master)
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